About Us
Democratize Art
Democratize Art
Our Purpose:
Making Art Accessible Globally
Value Proposition:
Artworks curated and selected by curators
Price and authenticity guaranteed
Certificate of Authenticity powered by Blockchain
Who Are We?
L Project is an art platform exclusively curated by selected curators. Home to Indonesian artists, L Project guarantees authenticity, transparency, and price. artwork online store with us. Buy original art online in Indonesia.
Buy Artworks Online
Democratizing Art – To make art accessible to everyone through globalization.
To be a platform that offers a wide variety of artworks from local artists to be introduced to the global market.
To be a platform where artists can compete in a balanced manner with other foreign artists.
To provide more opportunities for artists to develop amid unusual times by generating an online art store and exhibitions. A platform to buy artworks online.
Our List of Curators
Ahmad Khairudin
Anna Sungkar
Anton Budi
Argus FS
Arif B Prasetyo
Axel Ridzky
Bambang Asrini Widjanarko
Bambang Paningron
Benny Sasmito
Bob Edrian
Citra Smara Dewi
Dwiki Nugroho
Eddi Sutriono
Elia Nurvista
Grace Samboh
Ignatia Nilu
Ismal Muntaha
Jean Couteau
Kuss Indarto
Made Bakti Wiyasa
Made Susanta
Mona Liem
Rain Rosidi
Rizki Zaelani
Sally Texania
Sasih Gunalan
Taufik Rahzen
Tomi Firdaus
Vonny Ratna Indah
Warih Wisatsana
Yoga Parta