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$1 390
Dimas Kurniadi - Sedang Tak Ingin Menjadi (2016)
Enamel Paint and Ink Pen on Plexyglass (mirror technique), 64x86x0.3 cm
Product Details
Dimas Kurniadi
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Curated by Dwiki Nugroho
This artwork depicts the phase where the artist needs to isolate himself independently to interpreting what it means to live and what he has been looking for all this time. A contemplation against personal ego and search for the true meaning of this life. It turns out that the reason for human existence is to witness the essence of God Almighty through all of His creation. Every creature is an intermediary vessel, while every life exists because of the sacrifice from the others. All eventually melts into gratitudes toward the Creator and everything He created.
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Dimas Kurniadi - Sedang Tak Ingin Menjadi (2016)
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