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Indonesian Women Artist #3, Infusions Into Contemporary Art

L Project

Cemara Enam Foundation and the National Gallery of Indonesia invite Media Partners to attend:

Press Conference and Tour

Exhibition of Indonesian Women Artists #3: Infusions Into Contemporary Art

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

14.30-16.00 (Indonesia Western Time Zone)

Buildings A and B National Gallery of Indonesia

With a special performance by Melati Suryodarmo

For confirmation please kindly contact to Desy +6281357189089 or Widia +6281316193004

The exhibition displays 32 works (paintings, sculptures, installations, new media, and performances) from 10 professional female artists over 50 years old:

Arahmaiani (1961), Bibiana Lee (1956), Dolorosa Sinaga (1952), Dyan Anggraini (1957), Indah Arsyad (1965), Melati Suryodarmo (1969), Mella Jaarsma (1960), Nunung WS (1948), Sri Astari Rasjid (1953), and Titarubi (1968).



Carla Bianpoen

Inda Citraninda Noerhadi

Image of Smara Dewi

Grand opening

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

17.00–20.00 WIB

Multipurpose Room, Buildings A and B of the National Gallery of Indonesia

Scheduled to be officially opened by the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia, Sri Mulyani Indrawati

*Invitation only


March 30-April 24 2022

10.00-19.00 WIB

Buildings A and B National Gallery of Indonesia




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