ARTJOG MMXXI: Arts in Common - Time (to) Wonder will be held this year by implementing a limited visitation system and COVID-19 safety measures. This year, ARTJOG will return with its main programs such as Special Project, Young Artist Award, and Daily Performances. Besides the public education programs: Curatorial Tour and Meet the Artist.
Expanded ARTJOG, a collaboration with documentary practitioners to record the reality around ARTJOG, will also present as a program that will continue at ARTJOG in the future. In the spirit of humanity, ARTJOG MMXXI with ARTCARE INDONESIA also returned to accommodate the artists' sense of care during this pandemic that has not yet ended. Last, the implementation of ARTJOG is inseparable from Jogja Art Weeks, an initiative striving to motivate the creative ecosystem in Jogja and its surroundings.
8 July-31 August 2021
Jogja National Museum, Jalan Ki Amri Yahya 1, Wirobrajan, Yogyakarta
Twitter: @artjog
Facebook: ARTJOG