Fahmi DNR
Fahmi. DNR (b. 1991) I was born in Banjarnegara City on May 7 I live in the City of Officers, Purbalingga, Central Java. My hobby is drawing, drawing has been a pastime since childhood until now.
Over time, I was able to realize one of my dreams as an artist, especially a doodle artist and create drawing figures with my own character (there are certain characteristics in it). The works that I produce include drawings, paintings, and murals (for murals, I still see the time or in certain activities).
I have a mini gallery (studio) of fahmi.dnr artwork in Purbalingga City, as a place for making my works and displaying existing works. Some of my works have been exhibited at home and abroad, such as Semarang, Jogja, Banjarnegara (domestic), Helmond, Milan and Morocco (overseas).